About Tanka

        Tanka, also known as boat dwellers, are aquatic inhabitants of the coastal areas of Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan Provinces in China. The most accepted statement about the origin of Tanka is that they were mainly originated from the ancient Baiyue people, who were the descendants of the Yue people of the Qin dynasty, and they have been living on the water for thousands of years. In the past, some people believed that the name "Tanka" originated from the fact that they used boats as their home all year round, lived in the sea, and floated on the sea like eggshells (Eggshell is pronounced "Tanka" in Chinese), so they were called Tanka people; others believed that the Tanka fought with the winds and waves on the water all the year round, and their living environment was dangerous, so their lives were insecure and fragile like eggshells.

这是一部记录疍家人生活和讲述他们心声的纪录片,该片已在Sound and Vision International Film&Technology Festival中获得 STUDENT VISION AWARD;并在Oniros Film Festival中获得BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT AWARD

Experiencing Tanka Life

Learning about Tanka and experiencing their lifestyles through the game.

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Tanka Gallery

About Tanka's past, Tanka's current situation, and the legacy of their culture.

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